In 1992, ABC TV in conjunction with BBC Television produced a 30 minute show called Sylvania Waters, observing the lifestyle of the Donaher family living in a middle-class suburb of New South Wales.
Welcome to the world of Noeline Baker and Laurie Donaher – two families who blend into one, with each of their own grown children. Living in a two storey home along the waters edge in Sylvania Waters, we’re shown chain-smoking, bourbon drinking, poker playing, boat-cruising husband and wife who enjoy gloating about their lifestyle and ‘hard-working life’, but have dysfunctional issues on the inside.
The twelve episode series caused much controversy with the Donahers expressing their thoughts on many things, especially with ‘dole bludgers’, plus the excessive drinking Noeline was showing.
After the series ended, in 1993 Noeline released a single No Regrets which promoted her glamorous lifestyle, along with a cheaply produced music video. Alongside the music single, the Sylvania Waters Diary was also printed. The less we say about that, the better.