
by Matt Fulton

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My Geek Culture is a site created for the purpose of promoting popular culture from various aspects of entertainment and media sources. From film, television, music, commercials, gaming and profiles with a retrospective theme, to international flavours and the online spectrum.

My Geek Culture is independently owned and operated by Matt Fulton. Matt has been working in the Australian media for over 17 years, and has a passion for the Australian media culture.

Inspired by various popular culture sites from near and far, Matt discovered there wasn’t many sites that concentrated on what he was interested in, so created this site to gather as much Australian and International content as possible and channel it to the one area.

All commercially produced content is promoted to encourage visitors to remember the nostalgia they had when they were younger, and if commercially available, to legally purchase said things.

Any podcasts, vodcasts and interviews are produced by Matt Fulton and are copyrighted, with credit given to appropriate people and places if needed.

This site encourages you to share the memories with family, friends and various others across social media platforms.

Any links for online purchases may have affiliate links were applicable. Any revenue made is invested back into this site to keep it running and promote as much Australian content as possible.

My Geek Culture has a history of various forms in names, which originally operated as separate entities. You may find old references to previous and defunct names in older articles.

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