Times are tough. Inflation is high. Interest rates stink. Morale is low. But we still need our escape from everyday life. Why not step back in time to where things were a lot more simplier in everyday Australian life. The characters, the atmosphere, and just.. yeah, you know!
While your wallet may be empty, as long as you have decent internet access, you can sign up to the free-to-air services and watch some of these classic Australian TV shows that are streaming for free. Sure, you will have to put up with the commercials, but that’s the sacrifice you need to make. With the money you save, you could end up buying the boxsets down the road as there is no guarantee they will be streaming forever.
All the links to the streaming platforms you will have to register to – but it’s free – if you’re concerned, put in a persona. They won’t know. Simples.
Click through for some quality entertainment, won’t you?